
// Game Session 17B :: Tuesday July 24th 2012 //

Game Session 17B is scheduled to take place on July 24th, after YQ closes up. This session will consist of two short scenes revolving around Vulcan's betrayal against the party and how the team members will deal with his treachery.

There will only be 4 active players on the roster for 17B:
                  • Boris
                  • Lugh
                  • Luna
                  • 88
Game session 17B will be mostly high-speed deadly combat. Check the previous blog post to read up on Vulcan's job offer sent out to his Yakuza partner Usegi.


// Game Session 17B :: THE WRATH OF 'TRON //

// Incoming Message :: 9.5.2072.11:31:58//
// Sender :: Vulcan //
// Subject :: Favor requested //

Usegi..remember that life debt you owe me?
Well..it's time to collect. Need to meet wirelessly to discuss details.


Round up everyone you can. I can pay 2,500¥ per hitter. Threat is nominal, discretion is advised. Nonlethal ammo preferred but not necessary. Avoid shooting targets in the head or vital organs. Operation is a timely play, targets have been compromised internally and should not be expecting an attack from within. Probable locations and routes have been mapped and sent to your comm. Attachment should cover any other specifics. Vulcan out.


Dave here. Welp, looks like Vulcan took a big payout and decided to kill the party! Tuesday we saw Dorimo, John Doe, and Boris all get caught in a deadly ambush by the team mechanic/driver/rigger. Session 17B will be a bookend session, which means that edge will reset for survivors. 17B will feature the players who were unable to game on Tuesday, and gameplay will focus around Vulcan's betrayal and how it will affect the party dynamic. Currently there is no set date, but I will post the session schedule once I find a time that is good for everyone.


// July 3rd game moved to July 10th //

Whoops! I accidentally booked Session 17 on a day that I had already made previous plans. I will make sure to text everyone in advance to let them know of the schedule change. We'll be picking up Session 17 on July 10th, same place as usual. And as always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to text me or post below.

Session 17 will begin with everyone fully rested and ready to kick ass.  Currently the media feeds would be swamped with wild theories concerning what faction or corp is responsible for the bombing attack. Fingers have been pointed at the Neo-Genyosha, Tamanous, the Biological Imperative, and other factions that the party has worked directly or indirectly with.  Rumors have been spreading about Mitsuhama cloning technology, but no direct evidence has been publicly exposed by the Biological Imperative yet.


// Game Session 17 :: Tuesday July 3rd 2012 //

Dave here! Session 17 is scheduled for July 3rd, same place and time as usual. If the 3rd doesn't work out for everybody we can move the game to another day, just leave a comment or text me if you are unavailable that day.

I plan on advancing the timeline to the point where everyone is fully rested and recovered from the bombing attack. John Doe will have to make an extended body + willpower test to determine when he awakens, and Dorimo will be able to get a vat-grown replacement for his severed foot.

Session 17 will be a chance for the party to get back on their feet and determine their next course of action. Vulcan will unfortunately not be continuing as a player character, as Hamilton is going to be taking a hiatus for a while. Vulcan will be available as a contact, and his base will be available to rent as a HQ.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, post them here or text me!


// News Feed :: Mitsuhama Expo Bombing //

// News Feeds for Monday, September 5th 2072 //
These are various news headlines that would be circulating regularly through feeds across Seattle.

"Mitsuhama is still reeling after the attack this morning. Officials say the death toll currently stands at more than 800 with more than double that sustaining injuries. Volunteer groups offered what limited aid they could."
 "Reports of looters and scavengers have been pouring in. Among them are known Tamanous operatives who infiltrated the bombing site under the guise of a DocWagon response team."
"Speculation is still circulating over what provoked the attack. Corporate pundits claim Shiawase may be making a powerplay, attempting to delay production while they attempt to release a competing product before Mitsuhama can pull itself back together. There are rumors of neo-genyosha activity within the introduction hall prior to the speech."
"Three survivors claim to have manifested unique abilities after sustaining life-threatening wounds during the attack. More reports have been made by awakened witnesses who claim to have experienced 'strange phenomena' during Samba Oi's introduction speech. More at seven, six central."

// Karma Gained :: June 19th 2012 //

// Mission Recap :: Session 16 //
// June 19th 2012 :: Late August/Early September 2072 //

Session 16 was the Tech Expo, and it was a bloody mess!
Shortly after trudging through security and getting into the expo hall, the party decided to split into groups, either hitting up the bar/lounge area or visiting the introduction speech (during all this 88 was back at the warehouse, practicing Krav Maga and boning up on his chemistry skills). Samba Oi delivered the introduction speech, which literally ended with a bang. Detonations tore through the overheard support structure, bringing hundreds of tons of steel and shattered glass crashing down into the midst of the commencement gallia. At least eight separate detonations caused the catastrophe, which ravaged the entire domed structure and caused hundreds of casualties, while also critically wounding two members of the party. Lugh was paralyzed with shock during the explosion but was uninjured physically. Boris finished his drink and took a dose of novacoke.  John Doe sustained a massive headwound from a falling balcony and was knocked comatose, Dorimo lost his foot(again) to some massive glass shards and was knocked unconscious, and Vulcan got knocked out and broke a couple ribs. Boris saved the three unconscious party members, treating the wounds and retreating to safety at Vulcan's warehouse. After getting the party mostly slapped together, we decided to call it.
Needless to say, there are a lot of unanswered questions about this highly suspect attack.
The party earned 6 Karma for session 16, bringing the party total up to 76. Street cred is at 9 now.
  • Surviving a deadly hazard
  • 2 Karma :: Building a team insignia
  • Completing a risky medical procedure [Boris also earns 1 rank in Medicine]
  • Completing a corporate contract for ¥100,000
  • Humor and roleplaying
The team is currently at a Public Awareness rating of 4 (there are ways to lower this).
I'll be adding a few more blog updates tomorrow.


// Comm Static :: Message Intercept //

Incubation Pods from a Nigeria-based installation.
// Data File GG4468:: Incubation Pods//

This folder of progress journals includes videos taken by on-site staff during phase one testing back in 2058.

Fetal clones were fabricated using advanced nanomachinery techniques, and then placed within hermetically-sealed incubation pods. Cellular growth was accelerated within the clones using latent mitosis expressors, forcing the clones to mature at an accelerated rate.
99% of the clones that are fabricated within the first year of production suffer from severe mental development complications due to the lack of mental stimulation during the maturation process.

It is unknown how many first-generation clones were produced in 2058.


// Team Roster :: Team One //

Dave here! I'm working on compiling a team roster for Team One and Team Two. I'll post the first draft below, and it will be up-to-date as of 6-10-12. I'll be updating and revising this roster as the teams evolve and continue to complete missions.

Teams can earn karma by customizing and updating their team roster.
  • Anyone who posts a unique sketch, photomanip, or picture of their character gets 2 Karma.
  • Posting any kind of background information for your character will also earn you 2 Karma. 
  • Establishing a secure headquarters or hideout for the team will earn 1 Karma for the party.
Distinguishing features such as team names, mottos, insignias, or emblems could also earn the team karma, notoriety, street cred, or public awareness, depending on the circumstances.

Here's the first draft of the current team roster for team one. Feel free to change any of the information below or swap out the picture for another one.

  •  "88", Changeling Metatype. Genetically engineered corporate infiltrator. Collects junk.
  • "Lugh", Human Metatype. Irish hacker and matrix specialist. Music enthusiast.
  • "Dorimo", Human Metatype. Japanese Shaman (shinto). Corporate and Yakuza ties.
  • "Luna", Elf Metatype. Russian martial artist. Also trained in firearms and melee weapons.
  • "John Doe", Elf Metatype. Confederate defector. Replacement killer and fast talker.
  • "Vulcan", Human Metatype. Japanese rigger and hardware tech. Ex-corp, Yakuza allies.
  • "Boris", Troll Metatype. Russian combat specialist and heavy lifter. Moonlights as a bouncer.




// Comm Static :: Shadowrunner Handles //

"Handles" are equivalent to the nick names people give themselves in online forums. Go to any forum that allows usernames and sift through them. Remove the random numbers and clan tags that may be present, then you have a handle.

I picked a random forum from google and compiled a list of recent posters (below).

  • DigitalScream
  • TheTreeman
  • MyxHarrett
  • DrCarnivore
  • Monty888
These are all examples of handles that a typical professional might use in Seattle.  Shadowrunners often use handles that are suggestive of a certain skill set, faction, or specific accomplishment.  Handles help a person maintain anonymity and uphold a favorable reputation. And as we all know, the higher your reputation is, the bigger the payout is.


// Game Session 16 :: Tuesday June 19th 2012 //

The highly anticipated Mitsuhama Tech Expo is finally here!

Session 16 will take place on June 19th, regular time and place. Vulcan's drones will be fully repaired, and the warehouse will also be patched up. This session will focus mostly on the Expo, and the runners will be able to get front-row seats to the seminars and events. This is a pretty big media spectacle, and if the information the team received is valid, there could be a huge public backlash against Mitsuhama.

Outside factors like the leaked data package and the involvement of the Biological Imperative will add an additional volatile element to the mix. Security measures are going to be high across the board, and high-rollers from every branch of industry will be in attendance. Bring a fork, there's pie afterwards.


// Comm Static :: Message Intercept //

Here's a few sample entries taken from the 5TB security file.

// Data File 4Z9Xa :: Archived Security Footage //
This data file contains video footage of an underground facility using cloning technology that was banned in 2001. Corporate scientists can be seen performing rudimentary tests and system maintenance while the facility maintains its normal operations. Cloning has been an area of ambiguous legality, with layers of legal loopholes and chemical workarounds that allow corporations and wealthy individuals to produce full-body clones known as 'wimps' that are used exclusively for the purpose of organ harvesting.
This facility doesn't look like a corporate wimp fabricator though, this looks like a facility meant for mass production of clones with built-in neural interfaces and cognitive bioware implants to stimulate the development of brain tissue during protein synthesis.
Activity of this nature is highly illegal, even with the protection of extraterritoriality. If evidence can be found linking this technology to a megacorporation, it would be a public relations disaster for that corp.

// Data recovered from backup partition //

Whil͢e ̨r̷um̀or̕s ̢óf̵ ̧t͟ru͠e d͠óppe͞l͟g̛a͢ngȩrs̢,̵ rep͜lic̵ant̛ sp̢íes,͡ ̵a͢n̷d҉
f̧ưll-̢c͢lone͞ s͡ol͝dįer͢s̸ ́m͡ak͏e͠ fo̴r ̴en҉te҉rta̢i̸n̴ing̛ ́st͏orie͢s҉, t̴hey̛ ̧a̷r̷e̶ a͟l̸l the҉
st͡uf̵f of̛ f͏i͡c͘t̨ion.̢ Tó my ̴k̡now҉l̷ed̢ge, ͡no o͡ne̕ ̢h͠as ͜e̛v̴e͏r m̶anaged̴ to͟
s͜uc̢cessfu̵l̶ly ̢generat̛è a c̢l͝òne̸ ̢ẃi͠th́ a̸ ̷use̶ful ͘b̵r̴a̸i̷n (̡in co̵nt҉a͟i̶n͟me͞n͞t́)̨.͝
̸P͞a͞r̕t o̕f͞ t͡h̵e pro͞bl̛e͘m ̴i̕s tha̷t t҉h̵e ͡de̶v́e̴lo͟p͏m̛e̸nt ͢o̶f ̴th̷e br̨ai̛n
is i̸n̵fl̸ue̸n͏ce̡d͡ by ͠l͝eàrn̕in͝g p̸roc̕ess̡es ͝i̵n ͘th͟è ̧g̵ro͏wt̡h̛ ̶pe͘r̵iod̀. ̢Un͞d͏e̢r
̕en̕f͝orced͡ g̨row͝th̛ ̵c͟ondi͝tio̶ns ̕(̴b̶àsica͏l̴ly̵ a co͞m͠binàtion̢ o͡f͜ ͡ho̵r̨mon͝e͟
̸c̶oc҉kt̵ail͞s͡ ̨a͠ņd͜ g̕e͘n̸eti̶c ther̛apy ͡t͠o̸ ͞s̢p̴e̸ed̢ ͡tḩr͏oug̶h ̷g̨ŗowth c̸yćl͠es͜), ͡th͞e
̶b̷r̵a̢i͢n͞ ͏is͡ ͏n͞ot̨ ąb͞l͘ę to k̶e̷e̡p̵ ̨u͏p͞ w̶iţh̢ th̢e̶ r̷est ͠of͟ t҉he body,̨ ̛yi͘e̴ld̴i͢ng̢
a̡n̶ un͟de͟rd̢e̡ve҉ļo͢ṕed̨ brain ̵t̷ḩa͞t҉ ̧c̢an͏nơt́ ke͢eṕ t̀h̢e b́o̴d̡y҉ àlive͢ ͘o͘ń ̵i̶t҉s҉
̢ow͡n.͝ ҉E͞ven̡ slo͠w͟-̡g̵ro̸wt̛h̸ cl͠ones ͘ex̨hi̡b̴i͞t me̶nt̷àl̴ ͟disa͟b͡il҉i̸t͘iés͏ ̵a͢n̕d̶ ́on̴l҉y͏
̕ąn a҉n̡i͏m͘a̛l-̴l͡e̶v͜el͡ ̨i͡nteļl͢i͝g̶en̴c̢e͏ at b͜eśt͏, ̴lik̵e͞ly ̴du̵e ͠t̀o͘ la̕c̢k͘ ͝o҉f͝ mentąl͏
̨st̴imu҉lus̀ ͡f̛r̛o̴m ̷b̵éing ra̡is͟ed iń stor̕a͟g͜e.̡ ̧W̴h҉il҉e͡ t͝h̷ere ̀hav͡e͞ ͝b̴e̸e̵n̡ tests
̕b͢y̶ ̴my o̴l͠d ̢empl͜oy̢e̵r̀ ̵U͠niOm̧n͝i (an͠d͟ I’m ҉s̀u͟re othe̴r̨ co͟rps͡ a͝s͢ w͜el͟l̶)
to̶ ͠compens̶a̛t̷e ̀fo̡r ̀this ͢by̕ t̕orpedoin͜g ̸tḩe͠ ͞br̡ain͞ wi͡t̛h c̴ómpr̛e͟s͞s̢ed̸
vi̡rtu̧a͏l̕ inpu͞t̕ (҉maįńl̕y langua҉g̵e ̧and̀ ̛si̸m͝ulat̷ed ̛m̴o̵to͞r̨ pa҉t͡t͟er̀n̕s)̵,͜
̶hopin̶g ͜t͠ò de̸l͢u͏d̨e҉ ̀t͡h͟e ͠b̴r͡àin i̡n͝to ̵ex̕pe͟r̡ie̕n͝c͘i̛ng s̶ta͜g̸e͘s͠ ̛of́ ̢ḑe̢v̕elop͟m̧e̸ńt,
̵to̸ ͝mỳ knowlęd͏g͢e ţhèy ́have not ̸b̵ee̶n͝ succ̵e̕ssful͜ ́s͜o̷ fa̵r.

// Karma Gained :: June 6th 2012 //

// Mission Recap :: Session 15 //
// June 6th 2012 :: Late August 2072 //

Session 15 was a great RP session that fleshed out big chunks of the metaplot that have been growing for the last few months.

The team started by making preparations for the Mitsuhama Tech Expo. Some of the team members decided to purchase VIP tickets, other members opted to skip tickets or just get standard admission.

John Doe made use of the teams skills in hardware, software, engineering, firearm design, and armorer to complete a working prototype for his chameleon-tech rifle. Preliminary plans were made that could lead to a lucrative corporate contract with Ares. Field testing and schematics were completed. Prototype is free of glitches.
The team met up at Club Infinity and huddled together at an isolated booth after ordering food and drinks. Lugh and Dorimo did some digging and made contact with the Biological Imperative, a radical eco-terrorist group that is firmly set against cloning research and legalization.  Connections were made, and Lugh used the Edit program to assist negotiations during an information trade.  Dorimo pledged allegiance with the Biological Imperative, severing ties to Mitsuhama.  88 returned to the team, bringing with him some highly classified information that sheds a negative light on the impending technology expo.  Boris as always added humor and character to the situation.

Team One earned 7 Karma, bringing the running total up to 70. Street Cred is now at 8. Here's a breakdown of the karma achievements. Note that 2 of the karma was earned from 88's solo missions.
  • Roleplaying and character development
  • Completing the Prototype (plus schematics)
  • Brokering an information exchange for over 100,000¥
  • Humor
  • Motivation (beginning a new subplot)
  • Classified information (cloning & genetech research)
  • Finding deltaware coordinates
Keep up the good work team! Next session will be scheduled for the 19th, and I'll post a reminder post on the blog in a day or two. We'll pick up right when we had originally planned (one day before the tech expo).


// Game Session 15 :: Tuesday June 5th 2012 //

June 5th! Session 15!
Session 15 will start with just one day left to prepare for the Mitsuhama Tech Expo. We'll assume that with Dorimo's contact through the corp, everyone in the team will have the opportunity to purchase a ticket for 500¥. V.I.P. Tickets are available for 5,000¥ (availability 10).

Team One's Total Karma is now at 63, officially turning the team into PROFESSIONAL Shadowrunners.
From this point on Edge will only refresh at the end of a mission. Lethal encounters will become more common, complications will occur more regularly, and missions will be more difficult overall. Rewards will also increase accordingly, more karma, bigger payouts, and access to restricted tech and cyberware. This is like playing on Hard Mode, don't expect hints as often, and come prepared with a full understanding of your character's abilities and limitations. So far everybody has been playing exceptionally, and I've been having a blast running the game for you guys. As always if you have any questions post them below!


// Shadowtech :: Chameleon Nano-rifle //

John Doe is working on creating a modified Walther MA-2100 that utilizes a ruthenium polymer coating to produce a chameleon effect, rendering visual perception of the modified weapon very difficult under normal circumstances.

Several steps need to be taken before fabrication of a protoype can be completed.
  • Design the case, housing, and relevant hardware modifications needed to integrate the new technology. This will require a Hardware or Firearm Design Extended Test with a Threshold of 12 and a duration of 8 hours. This step will require a workshop, but no raw materials.
  • Program the sensors to capture and project the chameleon imagery to the ruthenium-alloy coating of the modified weapon. This will require a Software Extended Test with a Threshold of 12 and a duration of 8 hours. This step also requires a custom Sensor program, Rating 4 or better.
  • Fabricate a Prototype after performing safety testing and making necessary refinements/adjustments. Run field tests with prototype. Fabrication requires an Armorer or Engineering Extended Test with a Threshold of 12 and a duration of 8 hours. This step requires a facility and workshop with access to at least 8,000¥ worth of ruthenium polymer nano-compound (Availability 10R).
After those 3 steps you'll have a working prototype that will give a built-in bonus of -4 to the sniper rifle's Concealability rating.


// Karma Gained :: May 22nd 2012 //

Dave here. Session 14 served as an opportunity to rest, recover, spend karma, and sell loot.
Dorimo got an inside tip about an upcoming Mitsuhama tech expo.
Luna made plans to acquire a rare white tiger as an exotic pet.
Lugh dug up some interesting info about the Horizon Corporation.
Boris bought some new heavy weapons and accessories.
John Doe made plans to build a customized chameleon-tech sniper rifle.
The team as a whole made a boat-load of cash selling off some unwanted weapons and cyberware to a Romanian revolutionary faction.

The team earned 4 karma during session 14.
  • 1 for digging up information on a Johnson
  • 1 for negotiating a +25% payout during a black market exchange
  • 1 for designing a unique weapon upgrade (more karma can be earned by completing schematics, fabricating a functional prototype, and mass-producing a working model for market distribution)
  • 1 for roleplaying and character development
 Dorimo also recovered three wax-sealed scroll tubes from the subterranean triad mausoleum.

  • 1 scroll of aged silk, inscribed in faded blue ink. This scroll is Joss paper, or spirit money. The value of the paper is marked at 20,000¥, but you've never heard of spirits actually using physical money.
  • 1 scroll detailing a complicated group ritual for calling forth spirits of the dead.
  • 1 scroll detailling a binding ritual, using sacred ashes and blood tribute as a method of spiritual transfer or possession.
Researching either of the ritual scrolls will earn the character a +1 bonus on any attempt to perform the specified ritual (including resisting drain). Research will also likely earn the character at least 1 point of notoriety.

// Marked For Death //

As a result of cheating Yama out of a claimed soul, Dorimo has earned the Spirit Bane (Death spirits) negative quality. Death spirits include any manner of ghost, phantom, revenant, reaper, apparition, or specter (certain shadow spirits and spirits of man could also be considered death spirits, at GMs discretion). These types of spirits will attempt to reclaim Dorimo's mortal essence whenever an opportunity arises.

Acquiring this drawback brings Dorimo's notoriety up to 4. This negative quality is worth 10BP.

An Assensing test (3) will reveal the astral presence of a black symbol inscribed on Dorimo's chest, a mark of death from the yami spirit.


// A Second Shadowrun Team? //

Dave here! Some of my non-employee buddies want to play Shadowrun, so I've been considering starting up a second team. The second team would start at 0 karma, and would probably only play once a month. I'd like to run both teams in a shared continuity and timeline, to open up the possibility of crossovers and guest players and give myself some more elbow room to let the metaplot grow. Give me your feedback in the comments section below, the tuesday game belongs to you guys as much as me, and I don't want to introduce any changes to the game universe that might cause conflict further down the road. Adding a secondary team that plays on a separate schedule but follows the same game calendar could offer some unique rewards but could also add some new challenges.

  • Separate karma pools for each team. However, if a player joins another team for a guest session, any karma earned is also added to his home team's total karma.
  • Business partners, rivals, or allied team. Teams would be encouraged to share data, exchange information, or perform tasks in exchange for money or services.
  • Side Missions. I've got a shitload of adventure sourcebooks and I would love to run them on free nights as long as I'm not busy with family or other plans.
  • Join Another Team as Hired Help or as a Called-In Favor. You could also roll a new character if you've ever wanted to try a different character build for a session or two.

Post your feedback below, I can always run the second group in a non-Seattle area or a separate timeline if there is concern about the metaplot becoming a continuity clusterfuck.


// Game Session 14 :: May 22nd [August 10th 2072] //

Next game session is scheduled for May 22nd. We'll pick up right where we left off, with the team leaving Lake View cemetery.  The team will be able to make opposed tests for a negotiable reward for delivery of the item, with a starting payout of 30K nuyen (expect some bonuses for delivering it intact).
Remember that street cred is used as a positive bonus to dice pools that are charisma-based as long as the target is aware of your reputation (if you got the job from a mutual contact, your employer is probably aware of your street cred).

Session 14 will be a good in-between point for your characters to regroup and focus on personal goals such as repairs, selling goods, purchasing upgrades, learning new skills or spells, implants, or new weapons, research, or making modifications to existing gear.  Session 14 will also serve as a book-end for the recent series of linked adventures that focused on two distinct megacorps (Shiawase and Mitsuhama) and two distinct organized crime syndicates (the Yakuza and the Chinese Triads), and any non-mission tasks can be completed to investigate recent developments or follow leads.

An important element in the upcoming sessions will be the Mitsuhama International Technology Summit, a centerpiece event that will highlight some important elements of the Sixth World metaplot, and will lay the groundwork for events that will take place during the transition from the year 2072 into 2073. As always, check the blog regularly for game updates and info relevant to upcoming games.

Here is a replica of a series of posters that would be plastered all over the sprawling city blocks of the dock/warehouse district. AR tags would also clutter matrix and commlink traffic with similar flyers/popups.



// Loot Gained :: May 8th 2012 //

The team recovered the following items from the mission at the Lake View Cemetery.
  • Three jade-inlaid ritual daggers [STR/2 +1P, 0 AP, 0 Reach] 1,000¥ each
  • Eight chinese ceremonial robes [4/1] 700¥ each
  • Three wax-sealed scroll tubes, unknown value
  • Two inscribed silver bracelets, unknown value
  • One iron-banded spiked club [STR/2 +3P, 0 AP, 1 Reach] 120¥
  • One bronze-inlaid chinese straight sword  [STR/2 +3P, 0 AP, 1 Reach] 1,000¥


// Karma Gained :: May 8th 2012 //

For those of you who are curious, here is a picture of what Yama might look like. Yama is a death deity from Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, and Japanese mythology.  His guardian spirits ('yami') act as judges for the deceased, and often appear wearing devilish masks and tattered robes, with ink and scroll in hand to transcribe the names of the dead. If you are curious about the stats of a Yami guardian, click here.

The team performed exceptionally well during the mission into Lake View Cemetery, especially considering the lack of knowledge concerning the spirits guarding the cemetery grounds. Security was dealt with expertly, no digital tracks were left, the relic was retrieved undamaged, and all enemies were dealt with.  Boris made very timely use of medkits to save Dorimo from certain death, and Dorimo's kami guardian proved to be an invaluable ally. Click here to see what a foo dog/lion might look like when manifested.

Vulcan's drones provided helpful support as always, and Lugh proved his worth with some expert matrix moves.  John Doe murdered faces, even managing to destroy the physical manifestation of the Yami spirit after Dorimo's foo dog softened it up. There were a couple close calls, and Vulcan lost his first drone to an automated turret. Let a single robotic tear be shed for the passing of the dragonfly drone. Boris scrapped with the Yami spirit while it was physically manifested, and managed to survive several claw attacks to the gut. After defeating the Yami, the team discovered descending elevator shafts in the interior of the central mausoleum. Following live camera feeds and hacking through security, the team managed to track down the stolen relic and interrupt a possession/binding ritual in the deepest level of the subterranean burial complex.  The operation culminated in a brief and bloody showdown with Wan Kuok-Koi (a formerly deceased Triad general), after which the team managed to abscond with the objective in tow.
Here's a breakdown of the Karma earned.

  • 1 for completely disabling/bypassing all security measures.
  • 1 for the recovery of Wan Kuok-Koi's sacred burial urn, in tact and undamaged.
  • 1 for timely and effective use of healing/first aid.
  • 1 for survival.
  • 1 for completing all mission objectives.
  • 1 for roleplaying.
  • 1 for teamwork.
  • 1 for strategy/planning during the course of the session.
  • 1 for suffering no casualties or severe wounds during a deadly encounter.
That's 9 karma in one session, out of a possible 10!  You guys were more on the ball this time, and I think facing a challenging foe helped reinforce how helpful it can be to get more familiar with your character's equipment and abilities.
After this session the team will have 59 total karma and 7 street cred. Loot list will be posted later this week.


// 88 Goes Underground //

// What happened to Project 88 during those 2 game sessions when Steve was in Arizona? //

88 ran out of his "special" meds, so of course he went to visit his trusted friend and black market pharmacist, Dr. Dave. Much to his dismay, 88 found the doctor's black market clinic had been ransacked, corpses of corporate hitmen slumped in heaps against the wall while no trace of Dr. Dave could be found.  Teaming up with an unlikely ally, 88 made his way deep into the heart of the Ork Underground on a mission to find his mentor and creator.

These events transpire during the weeks between the hotel standoff and the throwdown with the Halloweeners [July 14th 2072-August 2nd 2072].

// Game Session 13 :: May 8th [August 9th 2072] //

This is just a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday May 8th, we will be playing Shadowrun. Last week we didn't get the game off the ground, but this week we will pick everything up exactly where we left off. 50 total karma, 6 street cred, 2 public awareness. The team will begin the game session prepping to kick down the doors at lake view cemetery and recover whatever relic the triad gangsters lifted from Sing's Antiquities. Mitsuhama is paying out 30k for this job, using Dorimo as an intermediary.


// Session 13 :: May 1st 2012 [August 9th 2072] //

Dave here. We'll be picking the game back up tomorrow, if you need a recap of the last game session, check the previous entry. At the start of the session the team will be given some time to make preparations before venturing to Lake View Cemetery to intercept the Triad gang members who killed Mr. Sing and stole the mysterious object from his office wall safe. This job is paying 30k through Dorimo's corporate connection. Post any questions or comments below.


// Karma Gained :: April 17th 2012 //

Last tuesday the team followed up on a job offer from Shiawase's Shinshuko division (paying 30k upon completion). The mission objective is to locate an awakened object held by a chinese antiquities dealer known as Mr. Sing.  The object is an item of potential interest to both Shiawase and Mitsuhama, and both parties are vying for control of the object. Members of a Triad group were placed under guard of Sing's Collectibles, and Lugh found evidence of Sing's demise at the hand of the Triad. The astral signature of the object led the group to the Lake View cemetery in Central Seattle, an area of high astral activity. The team earned 4 karma, 1 for survival, 1 for roleplaying, 1 for teamwork and strategy, and 1 for successfully tracking Mr. Sing's murderer to the graveyard. Total karma for the team is now 50.

After killing a couple triad thugs in the back alleys of the international district, the party looted several crates worth of collectibles and antiques, 2 Ares Sliverguns, 2 leather jackets, 2 smartlinked shades, 2 rating II commlinks, 2 sets of bike racing armor [4/7], and 2Yamaha Katana-II racing bikes (yamaha katana bikes have +4 slots for modification).


// Drones and Autosofts //

The core book only covers a handful of autosoft programs to teach drones new skills, but arsenal mentions a few of the new autosofts that are covered in the Unwired book.

Normally drones use their Pilot attribute + the related Autosoft rating to accomplish noncombat tests.

Noncombat autosoft programs cover most regular skills such as Armorer, Mechanic, and Repair. These autosoft programs cost the same amount as any other autosoft program, rating 1-3 costs rating X 500¥, rating 4-6 costs rating X 1,000¥.

// Vulcan Repair Drone //
  • Pilot 3
  • Aeronatics Mechanic Autosoft Rating 3
  • Fuzzy Logic upgrade gives +3 dice pool for tests made out of combat
  • +1 dice pool bonus for facilities and tools


// Karma Gained :: April 10th 2012 //

After facing off with the Halloweeners and dealing with the fallout, the party has gained six karma, bringing the total karma up to 46.  Killing Nightmare gives a bonus point of street cred for bragging rights, counting the new karma total the party should have 6 positive street cred.  Public awareness for the team is an average of 2 right now.

The halloweener thugs carried these items:
  • 6 doses of novacoke
  • 3 stimulant syringes, Rating VI
  • 2 combat knives 25¥ each
  • 4 leather jackets [2/0] 25¥ each
  • 1 skinsuit [2/1] - cold dampening VI 2,250¥
  • 4 AmoTek holster commlinks, Rating II 900¥
  • Improvised weapons (clubs, crowbars, etc)
  • Remington Roomsweeper (shotgun) 150¥
  • 2 Ruger Super Warhawk (heavy pistol) 250¥
  • Box of nails and glass shards (50 rounds)

// Nightmare's Implants //

Obvious Right Cyberarm (Alphaware, 4 slots available for upgrades)
[Strength Enhancement IV, Agility Enhancement IV, Spurs] 1 Essence(used), 30,000¥

Wired Reflexes (Alphaware, Rating II)
3 Essence(used),  51,200¥

Aluminum Bone Lacing (Standard grade)
1.2 Essence(used), 12,000¥

Dermal Plating (Standard grade, Rating II)
1.2 Essence(used), 8,000¥


// Critter Guide :: Reapers //


The most dangerous of ghosts, reapers—also called black angels, ankous, yamis, or thanatos, depending on the cultural context—never appear as images of the deceased. Instead, they take on a personification of death. The appearance may vary, but the most common is a robed skeleton carrying a scythe, although modern versions of a goth girl with a sickle have also been reported. These spirits emanate decay, and they are often drawn to places where people tend to die on a daily basis (including hospitals and Z-zones), watching people die or accelerating deaths to draw karma.

B F+1
Init (Fx2)+2
IP 2

Astral Initiative/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 10/25

Skills: Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Exotic Melee Weapon
(Scythe), Perception, Spellcasting, Unarmed Combat

Powers: Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Concealment (Self ), Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma, Moment of Death), Enhanced Senses (Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision), Fear, Innate Spell (Death Touch, Detect Life), Materialization, Movement (Self ), Natural Weapon (DV: (Force)P), Sapience, Silence, Spirit Pact

// Seattle News Feed :: Mid-July 2072 [March 27th 2012] //

 // Independent Information Network :: Late Edition //

Gunshots were heard late last evening coming from the 42nd floor of the downtown Seattle Hyatt Executive Suites.  Local security drones report aggravated entry through rooftop doorways and forced entry through the lobby main corridor.  Dawkins Group security members, under contract by an unknown party, were seen defending the lobby from the intruding squad of armed gunmen.  The rooftop entry was repelled by an unknown group of half a dozen or more mercenaries under contract by an unknown source. Gunfire was recorded coming from both ends of the western hallway during the gunfight.  Hired investigators released surveillance footage that revealed the intruders all possessed matching tattoos on the neck and upper torso . Positive identification of the contracted guardians was made difficult by the presence of strobe grenades.

If you have information concerning this story, contact our Marketing Research Team at // Independent Information Network //


// Shadowrun Returns :: Kickstarter //

Check out the Kickstarter page for Shadowrun Returns, a proposal to bring Shadowrun to modern consoles and PCs.

About this project

Shoot Straight. Conserve Ammo. And Never Cut a Deal With A Dragon.
Jordan Weisman, the creator of Shadowrun, is back and Shadowrun Returns (for Apple & Android tablets and PCs) is the game that Shadowrun fans have been waiting for a long time. A graphically rich 2D turn-based single player game with deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat, Shadowrun Returns is not only going to make some old geeks (like us) very happy but it will introduce new players to a dynamic gaming universe that is beloved around the world.



// April 3rd game moved to April 10th //

Hey guys, now that school is back in effect we might have to go back to the bi-weekly schedule. For now I'm going to move tomorrow's game to the following week and we'll pick up everything on next Tuesday night, April 10th.


// Comm Static :: Message Intercept //

// run sniffer.cu9 //
// contacting host . . . //

"Tell me what I'm looking at."
"It's them again. It's gotta be. Same spell signature, same biometrics, hell some of them are even wearing matching jackets! You familiar with this symbol?"

"Looks like some kind of iconography. Could be part of a street gang."

"Nah. They aren't gangers. Yakuza maybe. Jackets could be their calling card, the tokko-fuku that represents their bososoku clan."

"I've seen enough. Hire someone to find out more."


// Loot Gained :: 27.3.12 //

After looting the bodies in the hallway, the runners managed to scavenge the following:
  • Five HK MP-7 Submachine Guns [5P, -1 AP, SA/BF/FA, RC (2) Ammo 30(c)] 1,450¥ each
  • Five Custom Military Armor [10/8] 8,000¥ each
  • Two extendable shock staff [2 Reach, 6s(e), -half AP] 750¥ each
  • Five Rating VI goggles [smartlink, safe target system, flare compensation, image link, internal commlink rating III] 5,000¥ each
  • Five gas masks 200¥ each
  • Five thermal smoke grenades 35¥ each
  • Ten Rating VI tranq patches
  • Forty gel rounds
  • Fifty normal rounds
  • 682¥ in certified assets
The team can choose to "repo" the corpses of the corporate hitmen, but doing this while under surveillance will gain the runners 3 notoriety each, gaining them the reputation of organleggers.


// Karma Gained :: 27.3.12 //

Dave here. This week we had a guest player, Kristen Johnson, who is playing an Elven weapons specialist. Her character, Luna, was working for Ms. Johnson, and was serving as head of security during an extraction/pick-up at the Hyatt Executive Suites in downtown Seattle. Thanks to the on-site security and tactical expertise of the runners, the team managed to safely deliver Ito Sosuke to the Johnson. There was a big gunfight in the hallway, Hamilton set off a strobe grenade that partially blinded his own teammates, and Dorimo got half of his leg blown off by a shower of bone-shattering burst-fire bullets. Boris and the elf gun-bunnies managed to make quick work of the first wave of thugs, and Dorimo's wind kami managed to distract and disrupt enemy communication. Vulcan's drones caused some confusion in the lobby, and got shot up pretty bad in the process. The Johnson offered double pay for running interference while she coerced Ito to reconsider his allegiances. After all this, Lugh and Vulcan spent a few weeks entrenched in black market negotiations while Dorimo recovered in a Mitsuhama Body Garden. Boris spent his weeks working and purchasing garbage bags full of horse tranquilizers. John Doe and Luna worked a freelance contract with the local mafia, gunning down a jury member. It was a fun session, and I felt it captured a few of the iconic elements of what a Shadowrun session should contain: a hallway gunfight, someone getting a limb blown off, a Johnson acting suspiciously, and the troll becoming bulletproof for a full round. Also Hamilton's character is legitimately paranoid...yup, sounds like Shadowrun!

OH yeah, you guys probably want Karma. Let's see..
1 for surviving, 1 for roleplaying, 1 for strategy and teamwork, 2 for mission objectives, and 1 for acquiring 20,000¥ in one payout. That brings you guys to 40 total Karma, and 4 Street Cred.


I'll post loot in another post.


// Corporate Etiquette Guide :: Shiawase Mega-Corp //

//uploaded Uniformat text file :: posted by Kia//
Shiawase Damashii ETIQUETTE

• Be polite. Never lose your temper. Always show respect. Never violate this rule.
• Make yourself knowledgeable—not only in Japanese business customs, but Shinto as well. The more cultured you appear, the less likely you will be regarded as expendable.
• Bring a meishi. A meishi is a business card. Even in this wireless age you are expected to present a meishi printed on real paper. Don’t show off, though. Having a card that’s more elaborate than your boss’s can cost you points.
• Note how you’re addressed. This will indicate what the speaker thinks of you. Shadowrunners are rarely addressed with the honorific suffix –san. Being a criminal, the best you can usually hope for is a –hikoku (defendant) or –yogisha (suspect). If he calls you a burakumin, he sees you as expendable.
• Call your Johnson “Naka-udo-san.” Naka-udo is the internal Shiawase name for a professional go-between. (Actually, a naka-udo is an archaic name for a professional marriage arranger, a function that is currently regaining popularity.) Just by knowing this, you will distinguish yourself from the riffraff your Shiawase Johnsons usually deal with.
• Watch out for sokaiya runs. No, sokaiya ain’t milk. A sokaiya run is a specialized type of shadowrun in which you’ll be required to attend a shareholder meeting of a rival corporation or corporate takeover target. Your job will be to disrupt the meeting and cause the rival to lose face or to dig up dirt and blackmail it. Sokaiya runs are very well paid because they demand a high degree of flair and fine instincts.
• Be aware of genchi genbutsu. Genchi genbutsu— “Go and see for yourself”—is a guiding principle in
Shiawase Damashii. Following this principle, Shiawase security personnel do not rely solely on sensor feeds
and other forms of remote observation. If an alarm sounds, someone will come and check out the situation.
You can count it. The trick is to make genchi genbutsu work for you.
• Never say things directly. It’s highly impolite. The art of beating around the bush is called ishin-denshin, in
case you’re looking for a class or chip on the topic.
• If you screw up, apologize. Never blame others. It just increases your shame.
• Hurry. If you run against Shiawase, the MFID will be your most dire enemy. MFID personnel make extensive
use of external sources, private eyes, tabs, even holistic probability models. The more time that passes between your briefing and the start of your shadowrun, the greater the chance the MFID has already alerted Shiawase security or is hot on your tail.
• Don’t follow this list blindly. Remember, Shiawase divisions and their subsidiaries have great autonomy
in how they do business. And countless Shiawase people outside of Japan have never heard of a meishi,
naka-udo, or burakumin before.

// RE :: Shinto and Kami //

// Private Message :: Public Terminal Access Code SSB.020.47 //

from: Kia
re: Shinto and Kami

I can understand your confusion regarding Shinto. Hell, even I get confused sometimes, and I believe in this stuff. To make a very long story very short, followers of Shinto believe in the kami— usually translated by Westerners as “spirits” or “gods.”In reality, they are neither and both. Yes, if you are a shaman and you conjure a spirit, a Shinto believer would call it a kami, because in Shinto everything has a kami. And there are a damn near infinite number of them— yaoyurozu no kami as the saying goes.And therein lies the problem. For example, there is a kami for a certain tree, and a kami for all trees, andanother kami for the concept of trees. Similarly, youhave your family kami, individual ancestor kami, and a kami for the idea of your family. Trying to fit that into Western magic theory can get ugly.

//  illustration by Brian Wells //

// end feed //


So imagine this guy as John Doe, only currently he kind of looks like this...


// Karma Gained :: 20.3.12 //

Dave here. After Tuesday's session, the party has earned 5 Karma (1 for roleplaying, 1 for surviving, 1 for teamwork, 1 for rescuing Kosuke, and 1 for evading capture and pursuit). This brings the party up to 34 Total Karma, and Lugh will be able to spend 30 of his Karma.

When we left off, the team had finished successfully extracting Kosuke Ito from Fukushima Gardens. During the crossfire John Doe took some serious physical damage, but thanks to distractions on two ends of the residential complex, the team managed to escape with the target in tow. Lugh managed to secure a low-rent safehouse in the back of a food pantry in Downtown Seattle, but John Doe is still going to need immediate medical care - either in the form of a public hospital, street clinic, or street doc.


// Medicine And You :: Modern Trauma Treatment //

 Sooner or later, you're going to get shot. Luckily, thanks to modern armor and medicine, that doesn't necessarily mean you're out of the game. Here's some general game information for Health and Healing.
Last game session, the party performed an extraction at the Fukushima Gardens in Central Seattle.  During the operation, Dorimo and John Doe came under fire from a trio of unidentified assailants. John Doe was pelted by four short bursts (using gel rounds), and took enough stun damage to overflow into his physical damage track box. Dorimo managed to partially resist a stunball launched by a hitmage, but the resulting radius damage was enough to nearly kill John Doe outright. Luckily Dorimo managed to stabilize and heal some of John Doe's wounds, but he's still got 9 full boxes of physical damage. How long will it take the party to find a public hospital, clinic, or street doc, and how long will it take for John Doe to get back on his feet? More importantly, how much will it cost?
Healing Stun damage requires a Body + Willpower (1 hour) Extended Test. The character must rest for the entire hour for it to count. Each net hit heals 1 box of Stun damage.
Healing Physical damage requires a Body x 2 (1 day) Extended Test. The character must rest for the entire day for it to count. Each net hit heals 1 box of Physical damage. Stun damage must be completely healed before Physical damage can be healed.
Public Hospitals cost 250¥ per day for basic care, 500¥ per day for intensive care. Public Hospitals can provide general medical care, basic hospitalization, intensive care, surgery and major trauma, implantation, and emergency services. Finding a hospital requires an Availability check (6/12 hours). Public Hospitals have the following dice pools: Medicine(diagnosis): 6, First Aid(treatment) 6, Surgery(circulatory) 6. Hospitals use Rank VI medkits, have multiple staff members on-site, and offer drone assistance. 
Street Clinics cost 100¥ per day, and can only provide basic care and general outpatient hospital care. Finding a street clinic requires an Availability check (4/12 hours). Street clinics have the following dice pools: Medicine: 4, First Aid 4, Surgery 4. Street clinics use Rank IV medkits and generally work with a small (1-4) staff of medical assistants.
Street Docs cost 500¥ per day for basic care, 1000¥ per day for intensive care. Street Docs can offer general medical care, basic hospitalization, intensive care, surgery and major trauma, and implantation. Finding a Street Doc requires an Availability check (6/12 hours). Street Docs have the following dice pools: Medicine(drug therapy): 9, First Aid(resuscitation): 9, Surgery(implantation): 9. Street Docs work alone, or occasionally with one assistant.
The table below can add or subtract from Healing tests and First Aid checks made by medical facility members and practitioners.
// Healing Modifiers Table //
Dice Pool Modifier
Good (sterilized med facility)
Average (indoors)
Poor (street or wilderness)
Bad (combat, bad weather, swamp)
Terrible (fire, severe storm)

No medical supplies/medkit
+ rating
Applying medical care remotely through
+1 per skilled assistant (max +3)
Uncooperative patient
Patient is magician, adept, or technomancer
Patient has implants
-1 per 2 points of lost Essence


// Social Modifiers :: How to Schmooze like a Pro //

Dave here. Last game session, we saw a few social interaction rolls that happened between player characters and NPCs.  Dorimo tried to negotiate new terms with the Ms. Johnson and met some noticeable resistance, while John Doe had an easy time fast-talking the absent-minded guard at the front gate of Fukushima Gardens.  Social interaction checks sometimes call for opposed rolls, with the conversation leaning towards the winner of the opposed check (net hits can gain further favorable ground in the conversation). Notoriety and Street Cred can also play a factor in social situations. On the bottom of this entry is a table that gives a list of modifiers that can benefit either side of a social interaction test. Become somewhat familiar with these modifiers, and try to use the knowledge to your advantage. Getting dirt on someone or offering a bribe can give a sizeable bonus if used in the right context.

// Picture by Joe Roberts, originally featured in The Mammoth book of Nebula Awards //
Charisma-Linked Opposed Tests
Skill Used Acting Character Rolls Target Character Rolls
Con Con + Charisma (Con or Negotiation) + Charisma
Etiquette Etiquette + Charisma Perception + Charisma
Intimidation Intimidation + Charisma Intimidation + Willpower
Leadership Leadership + Charisma Leadership + Willpower
Negotiation Negotiation + Charisma Negotiation + Charisma
Social Modifiers Table
Social Situations Dice Modifier
With respect to the character, the NPC is:
  • Friendly +2
  • Neutral +0
  • Suspicious –1
  • Prejudiced –2
  • Hostile –3
  • Enemy –4
Character’s desired result is:
  • Advantageous to NPC +1
  • Of no value to NPC +0
  • Annoying to NPC –1
  • Harmful to NPC –3
  • Disastrous to NPC –4
  • Control Thoughts/Emotions spell cast on subject –1 per hit†
  • Character has (known) street reputation +Street Cred (p. 265)
  • Subject has (known) street reputation –Street Cred (p. 265)
  • Subject has “ace in the hole” +2†
  • Subject has romantic attraction to character +2
  • Character is intoxicated –1‡
Con Modifiers
  • Character has plausible-seeming supporting evidence +1 or 2
  • Subject is distracted +1
  • Subject has plenty of time to evaluate situation –1

// Augmented Attributes and You //

Attributes and Skills are what allow a shadowrunner to succeed at tasks and skill tests.  What kind of things could an augmented human perform? This picture should give you a visual reference for the general capabilities of a human street samurai with 7 in strength, agility, and body. If a dice pool becomes very large (12+), it may become possible to buy hits (successes), scoring 1 hit for every 4 total die in the pool.


// Loot and Karma Gained :: 13.3.12 //

Dave here. After the DocWagon heist, you have all earned 5 Karma, bringing you to 29 total Karma. John Doe is going to be able to spend up to 25 of his 29 total Karma to acquire skills that represent his background as a CAS freelance shooter. At this point all player characters have earned 3 Street Cred, and Dorimo is at 3 Notoriety now that he has picked up an addiction.
Here is a list of the loot gained from the dead response team.

// Vehicle :: Modified Tamanous Step-Van //

  • Handling 0
  • Acceleration 5/10
  • Speed 90
  • Pilot 2
  • Body 16
  • Armor 16
  • Sensor 1
This customized street wagon has been modified to provide a sturdy and reliable mode of transportation. It includes the following mods, and has 13 slots available for modification. The vehicle has a frame similar to a Bulldog step-van and has a discreet white paint job.
  • Rating 8 Vehicle Armor (1,600¥ - 1 slot)
  • Rating 8 Armored Tires (400¥ per tire)
  • Weapon Mount :: Normal Size, internal visibility, flexible, armored control (6,500¥ - 6 slots)
  • Mounted Weapon :: Ares MP-LMG [6P, -1 AP, BF/FA, 2(3) RC, 50 belt] (1,500¥)

 I'll post the rest of the loot in the comments section below. Post a comment if you plan on adding an item from the list to your character's inventory. The posted value for items is the standard market value, expect to get 30% of that value as a selling price, with a +5% bonus for each net hit scored on a negotiation attempt.