
// Loot Gained :: 27.3.12 //

After looting the bodies in the hallway, the runners managed to scavenge the following:
  • Five HK MP-7 Submachine Guns [5P, -1 AP, SA/BF/FA, RC (2) Ammo 30(c)] 1,450¥ each
  • Five Custom Military Armor [10/8] 8,000¥ each
  • Two extendable shock staff [2 Reach, 6s(e), -half AP] 750¥ each
  • Five Rating VI goggles [smartlink, safe target system, flare compensation, image link, internal commlink rating III] 5,000¥ each
  • Five gas masks 200¥ each
  • Five thermal smoke grenades 35¥ each
  • Ten Rating VI tranq patches
  • Forty gel rounds
  • Fifty normal rounds
  • 682¥ in certified assets
The team can choose to "repo" the corpses of the corporate hitmen, but doing this while under surveillance will gain the runners 3 notoriety each, gaining them the reputation of organleggers.

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