
// Karma Gained :: May 8th 2012 //

For those of you who are curious, here is a picture of what Yama might look like. Yama is a death deity from Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, and Japanese mythology.  His guardian spirits ('yami') act as judges for the deceased, and often appear wearing devilish masks and tattered robes, with ink and scroll in hand to transcribe the names of the dead. If you are curious about the stats of a Yami guardian, click here.

The team performed exceptionally well during the mission into Lake View Cemetery, especially considering the lack of knowledge concerning the spirits guarding the cemetery grounds. Security was dealt with expertly, no digital tracks were left, the relic was retrieved undamaged, and all enemies were dealt with.  Boris made very timely use of medkits to save Dorimo from certain death, and Dorimo's kami guardian proved to be an invaluable ally. Click here to see what a foo dog/lion might look like when manifested.

Vulcan's drones provided helpful support as always, and Lugh proved his worth with some expert matrix moves.  John Doe murdered faces, even managing to destroy the physical manifestation of the Yami spirit after Dorimo's foo dog softened it up. There were a couple close calls, and Vulcan lost his first drone to an automated turret. Let a single robotic tear be shed for the passing of the dragonfly drone. Boris scrapped with the Yami spirit while it was physically manifested, and managed to survive several claw attacks to the gut. After defeating the Yami, the team discovered descending elevator shafts in the interior of the central mausoleum. Following live camera feeds and hacking through security, the team managed to track down the stolen relic and interrupt a possession/binding ritual in the deepest level of the subterranean burial complex.  The operation culminated in a brief and bloody showdown with Wan Kuok-Koi (a formerly deceased Triad general), after which the team managed to abscond with the objective in tow.
Here's a breakdown of the Karma earned.

  • 1 for completely disabling/bypassing all security measures.
  • 1 for the recovery of Wan Kuok-Koi's sacred burial urn, in tact and undamaged.
  • 1 for timely and effective use of healing/first aid.
  • 1 for survival.
  • 1 for completing all mission objectives.
  • 1 for roleplaying.
  • 1 for teamwork.
  • 1 for strategy/planning during the course of the session.
  • 1 for suffering no casualties or severe wounds during a deadly encounter.
That's 9 karma in one session, out of a possible 10!  You guys were more on the ball this time, and I think facing a challenging foe helped reinforce how helpful it can be to get more familiar with your character's equipment and abilities.
After this session the team will have 59 total karma and 7 street cred. Loot list will be posted later this week.

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