
// Medicine And You :: Modern Trauma Treatment //

 Sooner or later, you're going to get shot. Luckily, thanks to modern armor and medicine, that doesn't necessarily mean you're out of the game. Here's some general game information for Health and Healing.
Last game session, the party performed an extraction at the Fukushima Gardens in Central Seattle.  During the operation, Dorimo and John Doe came under fire from a trio of unidentified assailants. John Doe was pelted by four short bursts (using gel rounds), and took enough stun damage to overflow into his physical damage track box. Dorimo managed to partially resist a stunball launched by a hitmage, but the resulting radius damage was enough to nearly kill John Doe outright. Luckily Dorimo managed to stabilize and heal some of John Doe's wounds, but he's still got 9 full boxes of physical damage. How long will it take the party to find a public hospital, clinic, or street doc, and how long will it take for John Doe to get back on his feet? More importantly, how much will it cost?
Healing Stun damage requires a Body + Willpower (1 hour) Extended Test. The character must rest for the entire hour for it to count. Each net hit heals 1 box of Stun damage.
Healing Physical damage requires a Body x 2 (1 day) Extended Test. The character must rest for the entire day for it to count. Each net hit heals 1 box of Physical damage. Stun damage must be completely healed before Physical damage can be healed.
Public Hospitals cost 250¥ per day for basic care, 500¥ per day for intensive care. Public Hospitals can provide general medical care, basic hospitalization, intensive care, surgery and major trauma, implantation, and emergency services. Finding a hospital requires an Availability check (6/12 hours). Public Hospitals have the following dice pools: Medicine(diagnosis): 6, First Aid(treatment) 6, Surgery(circulatory) 6. Hospitals use Rank VI medkits, have multiple staff members on-site, and offer drone assistance. 
Street Clinics cost 100¥ per day, and can only provide basic care and general outpatient hospital care. Finding a street clinic requires an Availability check (4/12 hours). Street clinics have the following dice pools: Medicine: 4, First Aid 4, Surgery 4. Street clinics use Rank IV medkits and generally work with a small (1-4) staff of medical assistants.
Street Docs cost 500¥ per day for basic care, 1000¥ per day for intensive care. Street Docs can offer general medical care, basic hospitalization, intensive care, surgery and major trauma, and implantation. Finding a Street Doc requires an Availability check (6/12 hours). Street Docs have the following dice pools: Medicine(drug therapy): 9, First Aid(resuscitation): 9, Surgery(implantation): 9. Street Docs work alone, or occasionally with one assistant.
The table below can add or subtract from Healing tests and First Aid checks made by medical facility members and practitioners.
// Healing Modifiers Table //
Dice Pool Modifier
Good (sterilized med facility)
Average (indoors)
Poor (street or wilderness)
Bad (combat, bad weather, swamp)
Terrible (fire, severe storm)

No medical supplies/medkit
+ rating
Applying medical care remotely through
+1 per skilled assistant (max +3)
Uncooperative patient
Patient is magician, adept, or technomancer
Patient has implants
-1 per 2 points of lost Essence

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