
// Seattle News Feed :: Mid-July 2072 [March 27th 2012] //

 // Independent Information Network :: Late Edition //

Gunshots were heard late last evening coming from the 42nd floor of the downtown Seattle Hyatt Executive Suites.  Local security drones report aggravated entry through rooftop doorways and forced entry through the lobby main corridor.  Dawkins Group security members, under contract by an unknown party, were seen defending the lobby from the intruding squad of armed gunmen.  The rooftop entry was repelled by an unknown group of half a dozen or more mercenaries under contract by an unknown source. Gunfire was recorded coming from both ends of the western hallway during the gunfight.  Hired investigators released surveillance footage that revealed the intruders all possessed matching tattoos on the neck and upper torso . Positive identification of the contracted guardians was made difficult by the presence of strobe grenades.

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