Dave here. This week we had a guest player, Kristen Johnson, who is playing an Elven weapons specialist. Her character, Luna, was working for Ms. Johnson, and was serving as head of security during an extraction/pick-up at the Hyatt Executive Suites in downtown Seattle. Thanks to the on-site security and tactical expertise of the runners, the team managed to safely deliver Ito Sosuke to the Johnson. There was a big gunfight in the hallway, Hamilton set off a strobe grenade that partially blinded his own teammates, and Dorimo got half of his leg blown off by a shower of bone-shattering burst-fire bullets. Boris and the elf gun-bunnies managed to make quick work of the first wave of thugs, and Dorimo's wind kami managed to distract and disrupt enemy communication. Vulcan's drones caused some confusion in the lobby, and got shot up pretty bad in the process. The Johnson offered double pay for running interference while she coerced Ito to reconsider his allegiances. After all this, Lugh and Vulcan spent a few weeks entrenched in black market negotiations while Dorimo recovered in a Mitsuhama Body Garden. Boris spent his weeks working and purchasing garbage bags full of horse tranquilizers. John Doe and Luna worked a freelance contract with the local mafia, gunning down a jury member. It was a fun session, and I felt it captured a few of the iconic elements of what a Shadowrun session should contain: a hallway gunfight, someone getting a limb blown off, a Johnson acting suspiciously, and the troll becoming bulletproof for a full round. Also Hamilton's character is legitimately paranoid...yup, sounds like Shadowrun!
OH yeah, you guys probably want Karma. Let's see..
1 for surviving, 1 for roleplaying, 1 for strategy and teamwork, 2 for mission objectives, and 1 for acquiring 20,000¥ in one payout. That brings you guys to 40 total Karma, and 4 Street Cred.
I'll post loot in another post.
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