
// A Second Shadowrun Team? //

Dave here! Some of my non-employee buddies want to play Shadowrun, so I've been considering starting up a second team. The second team would start at 0 karma, and would probably only play once a month. I'd like to run both teams in a shared continuity and timeline, to open up the possibility of crossovers and guest players and give myself some more elbow room to let the metaplot grow. Give me your feedback in the comments section below, the tuesday game belongs to you guys as much as me, and I don't want to introduce any changes to the game universe that might cause conflict further down the road. Adding a secondary team that plays on a separate schedule but follows the same game calendar could offer some unique rewards but could also add some new challenges.

  • Separate karma pools for each team. However, if a player joins another team for a guest session, any karma earned is also added to his home team's total karma.
  • Business partners, rivals, or allied team. Teams would be encouraged to share data, exchange information, or perform tasks in exchange for money or services.
  • Side Missions. I've got a shitload of adventure sourcebooks and I would love to run them on free nights as long as I'm not busy with family or other plans.
  • Join Another Team as Hired Help or as a Called-In Favor. You could also roll a new character if you've ever wanted to try a different character build for a session or two.

Post your feedback below, I can always run the second group in a non-Seattle area or a separate timeline if there is concern about the metaplot becoming a continuity clusterfuck.

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