
// Streetwise Status :: 24 Karma Total //

Congrats guys! After completing last week's adventure you have earned enough total karma to be considered 'Streetwise', which is one step up from 'Green'. At 60 total karma, you will earn the recognition of being a tried-and-true Professional. Being established as reliable shadowrunners will ensure that your team will receive work more frequently and for better payouts, although risk factors and overall challenge will continue to increase as well.

Currently all members of the team have 2 Street Cred, which provides a +2 bonus to any test in which your reputation comes into play.  Bribing, threatening, negotiating, bluffing, or seducing are all examples of tasks in which your positive street cred will give you a bonus to your die pool. Performing extremely dangerous or heroic actions successfully can grant bonuses to your street cred rating. If a person is unaware of your credibility, you will generally not receive your bonus when interacting with that person.

The flipside of street cred is Notoriety. You gain this for unnecessarily cruel behavior, committing treason or betraying fellow shadowrunners, failing a mission, getting arrested, working for a dragon, or even for having terrible luck. Notoriety can impose a penalty in social situation if the opposing party is familiar with your notorious behavior or deeds, however, if a character is using a skill involving intimidation or fear, notoriety can add a bonus. Certain negative drawbacks give notoriety [Addiction, Bad Luck, Combat Paralysis, Poser, Gremlins, Incompetent, Infirm, Scorched, Spirit Bane, Uncouth, and Uneducated all give 1 notoriety.]

At any time, a character can burn 2 points of Street Cred to remove 1 point of Notoriety.

Public Awareness is a rating that measures how well-known a person is to the general public.  Known criminals usually have a public awareness rating of 3+, while household names and celebrities have a public awareness rating of 10+.  Public awareness is added as a bonus to any knowledge checks made to recall or access information about the person in question. Public awareness is equal to a person's Street Cred + Notoriety, divided by 3 [rounded down]. Right now everyone has a Public Awareness rating of 0, although that might change at the beginning of next session.

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