
// Loot Gained :: 21.2.12 //

This is a listing of the gear and money you guys managed to abscond with after the run to Bellingham.
The value listed is the market price, sold value will depend on whatever market connections the team can make.
  • Road flares, GPS system (rating 4), and towing winch :: 50-500 ¥ each
  • Two first aid kits (rating 1) :: 100 ¥ each
  • Rating 2 commlink (with Browse 2, Analyze 2, and Scan 2) :: 500 ¥ each
  • Tool kit, tire iron, car jack, and jumper cables :: 25-50 ¥ each
  • Three crates of ammunition :: 500 ¥ each
  • Five Ares Predator heavy pistols :: 350 ¥ each
  • One Nitama NeMax heavy pistol (smartlinked) :: 1,700 ¥
  • Three portable weapon mounts (pintle mounts) :: 250 ¥ each
  • Two spare off-road tires :: 400 ¥ each
  • One Nanoweave Business Suit :: 800 ¥
  • Seven armored leather jackets :: 450 ¥ each
  • Aluminum barrel of synthetic wine :: 200 ¥
  • 845 ¥ in paper money

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