
// Session 13 :: May 1st 2012 [August 9th 2072] //

Dave here. We'll be picking the game back up tomorrow, if you need a recap of the last game session, check the previous entry. At the start of the session the team will be given some time to make preparations before venturing to Lake View Cemetery to intercept the Triad gang members who killed Mr. Sing and stole the mysterious object from his office wall safe. This job is paying 30k through Dorimo's corporate connection. Post any questions or comments below.


// Karma Gained :: April 17th 2012 //

Last tuesday the team followed up on a job offer from Shiawase's Shinshuko division (paying 30k upon completion). The mission objective is to locate an awakened object held by a chinese antiquities dealer known as Mr. Sing.  The object is an item of potential interest to both Shiawase and Mitsuhama, and both parties are vying for control of the object. Members of a Triad group were placed under guard of Sing's Collectibles, and Lugh found evidence of Sing's demise at the hand of the Triad. The astral signature of the object led the group to the Lake View cemetery in Central Seattle, an area of high astral activity. The team earned 4 karma, 1 for survival, 1 for roleplaying, 1 for teamwork and strategy, and 1 for successfully tracking Mr. Sing's murderer to the graveyard. Total karma for the team is now 50.

After killing a couple triad thugs in the back alleys of the international district, the party looted several crates worth of collectibles and antiques, 2 Ares Sliverguns, 2 leather jackets, 2 smartlinked shades, 2 rating II commlinks, 2 sets of bike racing armor [4/7], and 2Yamaha Katana-II racing bikes (yamaha katana bikes have +4 slots for modification).


// Drones and Autosofts //

The core book only covers a handful of autosoft programs to teach drones new skills, but arsenal mentions a few of the new autosofts that are covered in the Unwired book.

Normally drones use their Pilot attribute + the related Autosoft rating to accomplish noncombat tests.

Noncombat autosoft programs cover most regular skills such as Armorer, Mechanic, and Repair. These autosoft programs cost the same amount as any other autosoft program, rating 1-3 costs rating X 500¥, rating 4-6 costs rating X 1,000¥.

// Vulcan Repair Drone //
  • Pilot 3
  • Aeronatics Mechanic Autosoft Rating 3
  • Fuzzy Logic upgrade gives +3 dice pool for tests made out of combat
  • +1 dice pool bonus for facilities and tools


// Karma Gained :: April 10th 2012 //

After facing off with the Halloweeners and dealing with the fallout, the party has gained six karma, bringing the total karma up to 46.  Killing Nightmare gives a bonus point of street cred for bragging rights, counting the new karma total the party should have 6 positive street cred.  Public awareness for the team is an average of 2 right now.

The halloweener thugs carried these items:
  • 6 doses of novacoke
  • 3 stimulant syringes, Rating VI
  • 2 combat knives 25¥ each
  • 4 leather jackets [2/0] 25¥ each
  • 1 skinsuit [2/1] - cold dampening VI 2,250¥
  • 4 AmoTek holster commlinks, Rating II 900¥
  • Improvised weapons (clubs, crowbars, etc)
  • Remington Roomsweeper (shotgun) 150¥
  • 2 Ruger Super Warhawk (heavy pistol) 250¥
  • Box of nails and glass shards (50 rounds)

// Nightmare's Implants //

Obvious Right Cyberarm (Alphaware, 4 slots available for upgrades)
[Strength Enhancement IV, Agility Enhancement IV, Spurs] 1 Essence(used), 30,000¥

Wired Reflexes (Alphaware, Rating II)
3 Essence(used),  51,200¥

Aluminum Bone Lacing (Standard grade)
1.2 Essence(used), 12,000¥

Dermal Plating (Standard grade, Rating II)
1.2 Essence(used), 8,000¥


// Critter Guide :: Reapers //


The most dangerous of ghosts, reapers—also called black angels, ankous, yamis, or thanatos, depending on the cultural context—never appear as images of the deceased. Instead, they take on a personification of death. The appearance may vary, but the most common is a robed skeleton carrying a scythe, although modern versions of a goth girl with a sickle have also been reported. These spirits emanate decay, and they are often drawn to places where people tend to die on a daily basis (including hospitals and Z-zones), watching people die or accelerating deaths to draw karma.

B F+1
Init (Fx2)+2
IP 2

Astral Initiative/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 10/25

Skills: Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Exotic Melee Weapon
(Scythe), Perception, Spellcasting, Unarmed Combat

Powers: Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Concealment (Self ), Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma, Moment of Death), Enhanced Senses (Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision), Fear, Innate Spell (Death Touch, Detect Life), Materialization, Movement (Self ), Natural Weapon (DV: (Force)P), Sapience, Silence, Spirit Pact

// Seattle News Feed :: Mid-July 2072 [March 27th 2012] //

 // Independent Information Network :: Late Edition //

Gunshots were heard late last evening coming from the 42nd floor of the downtown Seattle Hyatt Executive Suites.  Local security drones report aggravated entry through rooftop doorways and forced entry through the lobby main corridor.  Dawkins Group security members, under contract by an unknown party, were seen defending the lobby from the intruding squad of armed gunmen.  The rooftop entry was repelled by an unknown group of half a dozen or more mercenaries under contract by an unknown source. Gunfire was recorded coming from both ends of the western hallway during the gunfight.  Hired investigators released surveillance footage that revealed the intruders all possessed matching tattoos on the neck and upper torso . Positive identification of the contracted guardians was made difficult by the presence of strobe grenades.

If you have information concerning this story, contact our Marketing Research Team at // Independent Information Network //


// Shadowrun Returns :: Kickstarter //

Check out the Kickstarter page for Shadowrun Returns, a proposal to bring Shadowrun to modern consoles and PCs.

About this project

Shoot Straight. Conserve Ammo. And Never Cut a Deal With A Dragon.
Jordan Weisman, the creator of Shadowrun, is back and Shadowrun Returns (for Apple & Android tablets and PCs) is the game that Shadowrun fans have been waiting for a long time. A graphically rich 2D turn-based single player game with deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat, Shadowrun Returns is not only going to make some old geeks (like us) very happy but it will introduce new players to a dynamic gaming universe that is beloved around the world.



// April 3rd game moved to April 10th //

Hey guys, now that school is back in effect we might have to go back to the bi-weekly schedule. For now I'm going to move tomorrow's game to the following week and we'll pick up everything on next Tuesday night, April 10th.


// Comm Static :: Message Intercept //

// run sniffer.cu9 //
// contacting host . . . //

"Tell me what I'm looking at."
"It's them again. It's gotta be. Same spell signature, same biometrics, hell some of them are even wearing matching jackets! You familiar with this symbol?"

"Looks like some kind of iconography. Could be part of a street gang."

"Nah. They aren't gangers. Yakuza maybe. Jackets could be their calling card, the tokko-fuku that represents their bososoku clan."

"I've seen enough. Hire someone to find out more."