

// Data Fragments :: Operative Personnel Files //

 // Data File G486xa :: Last Known Whereabouts //

This data file is heavily corrupted. Surface analysis reveals vital information for a 40-year old human male.


// Game Session 202 :: Sunday October 21st 2017 //

// Incoming Message :: 7.14.2087.19:16:48//
// Sender :: Jake B.  //
// Subject :: U FUKN BITCH //


ps - wats the pw 2 ur net teh VP wont cnct


Insurance policy no. 00A96I523 :: Seattle

Insured modifications :: Off-road suspension, special equipment (open box storage), vanity plates

Insurant :: Jake Betuski


// run sniffer.cu8 //
// contacting host . . . //

"We found his body, but the vehicle has gone off the grid. We suspect it was looted, torn apart, and sold for parts or scrap."

"Comb the area. Something must have been left behind."

"Local street gangs saw nothing."

"Give them treatment and see if any bring forward new intel. Upstairs thinks this lead is worth following."

"New intel is worth any price. I'll dispatch the crawler and begin a full sweep."


// Incoming Message :: 7.13.2087.07:16:46//
// Sender :: Sophia R. //
// Subject :: Visiting mother in the old country //

Hank. We need to talk.

I'm going to visit my mother, she's taken ill up in the old country.


Here's the house butler's information. If you need to talk to someone, Verstadt will help you.

Sorry I can't tell you more. Wish you the best.

-Sophia R.


// run sniffer.cu9 //
// contacting host . . . //

"Tell me what I'm looking at."

"Same biometrics. Spell signature is different somehow, like there is an additional essence trail. Iconography is missing, but the SIN matches. We have orders to pursue."

"No. Tell them we'll tail the subject and keep a hit team on payroll."

"You're afraid the Yakuza are involved."

"No. We've seen this before. Earlier incursions were hiccups. This warrants further study."


// Game Session 17B :: Tuesday July 24th 2012 //

Game Session 17B is scheduled to take place on July 24th, after YQ closes up. This session will consist of two short scenes revolving around Vulcan's betrayal against the party and how the team members will deal with his treachery.

There will only be 4 active players on the roster for 17B:
                  • Boris
                  • Lugh
                  • Luna
                  • 88
Game session 17B will be mostly high-speed deadly combat. Check the previous blog post to read up on Vulcan's job offer sent out to his Yakuza partner Usegi.


// Game Session 17B :: THE WRATH OF 'TRON //

// Incoming Message :: 9.5.2072.11:31:58//
// Sender :: Vulcan //
// Subject :: Favor requested //

Usegi..remember that life debt you owe me?
Well..it's time to collect. Need to meet wirelessly to discuss details.


Round up everyone you can. I can pay 2,500¥ per hitter. Threat is nominal, discretion is advised. Nonlethal ammo preferred but not necessary. Avoid shooting targets in the head or vital organs. Operation is a timely play, targets have been compromised internally and should not be expecting an attack from within. Probable locations and routes have been mapped and sent to your comm. Attachment should cover any other specifics. Vulcan out.


Dave here. Welp, looks like Vulcan took a big payout and decided to kill the party! Tuesday we saw Dorimo, John Doe, and Boris all get caught in a deadly ambush by the team mechanic/driver/rigger. Session 17B will be a bookend session, which means that edge will reset for survivors. 17B will feature the players who were unable to game on Tuesday, and gameplay will focus around Vulcan's betrayal and how it will affect the party dynamic. Currently there is no set date, but I will post the session schedule once I find a time that is good for everyone.


// July 3rd game moved to July 10th //

Whoops! I accidentally booked Session 17 on a day that I had already made previous plans. I will make sure to text everyone in advance to let them know of the schedule change. We'll be picking up Session 17 on July 10th, same place as usual. And as always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to text me or post below.

Session 17 will begin with everyone fully rested and ready to kick ass.  Currently the media feeds would be swamped with wild theories concerning what faction or corp is responsible for the bombing attack. Fingers have been pointed at the Neo-Genyosha, Tamanous, the Biological Imperative, and other factions that the party has worked directly or indirectly with.  Rumors have been spreading about Mitsuhama cloning technology, but no direct evidence has been publicly exposed by the Biological Imperative yet.


// Game Session 17 :: Tuesday July 3rd 2012 //

Dave here! Session 17 is scheduled for July 3rd, same place and time as usual. If the 3rd doesn't work out for everybody we can move the game to another day, just leave a comment or text me if you are unavailable that day.

I plan on advancing the timeline to the point where everyone is fully rested and recovered from the bombing attack. John Doe will have to make an extended body + willpower test to determine when he awakens, and Dorimo will be able to get a vat-grown replacement for his severed foot.

Session 17 will be a chance for the party to get back on their feet and determine their next course of action. Vulcan will unfortunately not be continuing as a player character, as Hamilton is going to be taking a hiatus for a while. Vulcan will be available as a contact, and his base will be available to rent as a HQ.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, post them here or text me!